
Evaluering af Danmarks Innovationsfond


ATV's indspil til evalueringen af Danmarks Innovationsfond. Evalueringen skal afdække, om fonden lever op til sit lovbestemte formål og dens rolle i det samlede forsknings-, udviklings- og innovationssystem. Indspillet er på engelsk, da evalueringen foretages af et internationalt ekspertpanel.

Generally, ATV has a positive view of the activities of the Innovation Fund

ATV finds that the Innovation Fund Denmark fills a key role in the Danish research and innovation ecosystem. The fund contributes to the completion of important
projects and to establishing new productive collaborations between knowledge

However, the ATV members experience a heavy pressure on the resources of the fund which, therefore, makes the success rate low. ATV would appreciate that the funding allocated to the fund is increased in the years ahead, so that more productive projects can be realized.

The ATV members find the administration of the Innovation Fund Denmark open, helpful and the procedures easy to use.  

ATV would like to stress that it is crucial that the board is composed of experts with different professional backgrounds and competences and from a broad variation of fields, as innovation processes and duration of innovation are different from field to field. At the same time, we find that the board should be composed of representatives from both small and large companies.     

Where ATV has suggestions for improvement:

ATV recommends that long-term strategic research is given a higher priority than today – i.e. to create a platform for the future rather than to help the individual company. ATV would appreciate that funding of projects where knowledge dissemination is an important part is prioritized, so that the projects contribute to strategic and long-term capacity building. This can be done through projects with several parties and through projects where GTS-institutes and/or innovation networks take part.

Furthermore, ATV recommends that the funding allocated to the fund is increased as regards funding which can contribute to Danish co-financing of large EU grants; that the fund seeks cooperation and synergy with the priorities of the universities, and finally that the fund prioritizes PhD projects as a part of the Grand Solution initiatives as education is the most important way to ensure a long-term knowledge building.


Fuldt navn

Lia Leffland


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